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Aaaaaachoo!! This is the sound many homes hear first thing in the morning as the allergy season appr

Many of our friends, families or ourselves know all too well the funny tickle in our throat and nose as the tenth sneeze of the morning appears. Not to mention the itchy watery eyes.

An allergic reaction is an exaggerated immune response to a substance, food, environmental or chemical compound that displays increase sensitivity and reactivity to that which is normally not triggering an immune response. Even a small exposure to pollen to a susceptible individual can be debilitating. The degree of susceptibility varies by person, and can start at a time when the immune system function is lowered. This may be due to an emotional or physical stressor that takes a toll on the body. After an initial stressor, it's the body's way of saying 'Hey! We need to process this!!' The reactivity level differs as well as susceptibility which is what your naturopath or homeopath will want to understand better. Once the root cause is understood, this provides a more holistic approach to treatments which seem to have better effects than just prescribing a one size fits all remedy.

Typical treatment approaches include some of the following as preventative and treatment approaches:

1. Vitamin C 3g or more per day to keep immune cells functioning optimally.

2. Quercetin which decreases histamine release and keeps the reactivity from reaching a high intensity.

3. An anti-inflammatory diet helps the overall burden on the body and ensures reactivity stays at a minimum.

4. Drinking plenty of water, and increasing fruit and veggies in the diet. This allows for antioxidants to support the immune system.

5. If there are itchy watery eyes, the remedy Euphrasia tends to help to relieve and soothe the eyes. This comes as drops or can be taken internally in a pellet form.

6. Deep immune support tinctures made of botanical extracts also help the immune system function at its best. Echinacea and bee propolis are also two additions to diet that can be incorporated.

These are just a few tips for keeping the seasonal changes for easing the symptoms. Keep in mind the longer the allergies have been present the longer it may take to mitigate symptoms. But decreasing reactivity would be the first goal to keep in mind when trying to tackle the effects of allergy season.

Wishing the very best,

Dr. Sharlini, ND


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